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Sunset on the Prairie {Sky & Horses}

  • Reading time:3 mins read
  • Post category:Great Plains / Horses

It’s been several months since I have written a blog post. Life has been a whirlwind of activity both personally and business wise.

I spent several months creating a new website from scratch so all of my energy went into that as well as the day-to-day business. Some days I feel as though all I do is the office work and the opportunities for shooting fall through the cracks. My eyes are constantly watching the light, the clouds and the season as it meanders through the summer months. I have let myself relax from feeling the need to shoot at every waking moment and everything that passes by. My brain often wears me out with what it’s thinking and watching. I don’t want my work to come from the stress of capturing everything, but being intentional about finding and creating with what is before me.

Last night was such a night. The clouds were alive with color near sunset and so I wandered around the ranch with a calm sort of pace to simply enjoy the moment. Here are a few of my favorites:

Good night from western South Dakota!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Teresa

    Wow Cristen, these photos are amazing!!

    1. admin

      Thank you for your kind words, Teresa! 🙂

  2. Terri Colgrove

    Lovely photos! it was very nice meeting you an visiting at the Brookings Art Festival.

    1. admin

      Hi, Terri! It was so wonderful to meet you, too! Thanks for your encouragement! 🙂

  3. Ron Brace

    Hi Cristen
    Your photos never cease to amaze me and that also gives me incentive to get out more.
    Do you do much post processing to achieve your magic or is that a Cristen secret?


    1. admin

      Hi, Ron!
      I can’t say that I have very many “secrets.” I shoot in RAW and keep an eye on the histogram while shooting-not wanting spikes on either end. I use very minimal post processing, trying to keep it as I saw it but also allowing for artistic expression. 🙂
      Thanks for the encouragement! 🙂

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